Flood Disaster...
...A New Year, A New Hope!
They were embarrassed about their situation
but they now have hope for the future.
Firstly, thank you so much for donating and/or subscribing to Home 4 Arjun newsletter. We have reached over 35% of the goal. Fantastic and all thanks to you!
Arjun and Ranjan have been overwhelmed with your generosity and cannot believe people they don’t know have been interested in their predicament and are willing to help people they don’t know. Sadly, they are not able to read but we have taken them through the website and they are so, so grateful. We will post a video update with them in the...
The main update over the last two weeks is that your contributions have meant that we could give them the go ahead to knock down the existing building and clear the site in preparation for...more
The Monsoon Flood
Monsoon floods destroyed their home
Monsoon Floods Destroyed Arjun's Family Home
Arjun and Ranjan's house was flooded when the nearby lake overflowed suddenly around midnight. With the power out and the water rising quickly, the whole family had to run to safety and leave everything behind.
They returned the next day when the water had subsided a little to see their house walls had collapsed. The water rose over 3 feet (1 metre) into their house.
An Urgent Appeal From Mittal
Arjun, Ranjan and their two children badly need stability which worsened significantly after the recent floods destroyed their already meagre existence. The low wages they earn provide little prospect of earning enough to build a home with the most basic amenities.
The funds raised are moderate for many but are literally life changing for this family giving them the prospect of finally having a home of their own.
Please donate if you can.
Thank you so much!
Please do reach out to me on WhatsApp. I am more than happy to answer your questions.
WhatsApp – +91-8200-357-917 or kiidesiign@gmail.com
Please subscribe for regular progress updates on how your donation is helping Arjun & Ranjan.